Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fred has been missing for 8 weeks

Fred has now been lost for 8 weeks . He went missing between Arona and La Escalona area. Fred has a micro-chip and a collar and weighs about 11kgs. He is a friendly dog but timid, frightened of loud noises,fireworks etc. 

If you think you have spotted Fred please call Vicki she is offering a reward TEL 697349525

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meeting concerning problems of stray animals.

There was a meeting on the 23rd July in the Cultural center of Los Cristianos council. Representatives of the boroughs of Granadilla, Guia de Isora and San Miguel de Abona attended.
The meeting concerned the problem of the ever increasing abandonment of pets, mostly dogs. Each of the municipales set out actions to respond to this problem, by improving more public awareness and more effective use of finances.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another animal cruelty case is in the news in Tenerife.

This information was taken from the Proteanimaloy facebook page which was set up to help the poor dog, Luna.
Another animal cruelty case is in the news in Tenerife, this time in Los Realejos, where a man beat a dog so badly that her skull was split into two and was found conscious in a metal drum covered with earth. The dog was admitted to a veterinary clinic with ataxia, decreased sensitivity, hypothermia, tachycardia, and mouth full of dirt ... The diagnosis is Central Vestibular Syndrome due to traumatic brain injury and stroke.

LUNA will go to the foster carer, Maria Perez Vivas to recover from his physical wounds and severe psychological trauma.

This case of animal abuse has opened preliminary proceedings in the trial court of the judicial district of La Orotava, where criminal proceedings have been inituated by Proteanimaloy, (Eloy Torres) through their  lawyer Vinent Sandra Barrera.

Proteanimaloy is raising funds to pay for Luna’s ongoing treatment...

Nuevo caso de Maltrator animal de  en Tenerife, esta vez en el municipio de Los Realejos, donde se golpeó a una perrita en la cabeza partiéndole el cráneo en dos.

A la perrita, de nombre LUNA, se le encontró conciente dentro de un bidón metálico cubierta de tierra, quedando ingresada en una clínica veterinaria con ataxia, disminución de sensibilidad, hipotermia, taquicardia, boca llena de tierra…con un diagnóstico de Síndrome Vestibular Central debido a traumatismo craneoencefálico y accidente cerebrovascular.

LUNA se irá a una casa particular a recuperarse de las heridas físicas y del grave trauma psicológico, gracias a la educadora canina MARIA PEREZ VIVAS.

Este caso de maltrato animal posee diligencias previas abiertas en el juzgado de instrucción de la demarcación judicial de La Orotava, autos penales donde se ha personado la protectora de animales que se hizo cargo de la perra, PROTEANIMALOY, (ELOY TORRES )por medio de su abogado solidario, SANDRA BARRERA VINENT. A lo largo de la próxima semana se espera se interponga QUERELLA por las personas de sus rescatadoras a fin de que su agresor, o agresores, sean castigados.

Suerte LUNA.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Stay Cool Mis Amigos !

Mi amiga Janet Anscombe has issued a warning, it's going to start hotting up from Sunday. So be careful people for your own well being and look after your pooches in this heat. Make sure sure your doggies have plenty of water to drink and shade that they can cool down in.

Of course Tenerife in the south is warm most of the year but with temperatures reaching 35c and over , it's muy importante to make sure your furry friend doesn't over heat ! 

Also whatever you do, don't leave your dog in your car under any circumstances ! He or she will just dehydrate and die within minutes.

Stay cool mis amigos !

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fred has gone missing !

On the 31st of May, Fred went missing from the Arona and Escalona area. He is wearing a grey collar and is chipped. He weighs around 11 kgs and is a 4 year old mixed breed, uncastrated dog. He is much loved and missed and certainly not abandoned. 

If you see him please call 697340525

Monday, July 1, 2013

30 Puppies at Accion-del-sol needs homes !

More than 30 puppies at Aktion Tier Accion are looking for a new home. Please ring 922 77 86 30 if you would like more information..